What Should I Expect for My Breast Augmentation Recovery?
Breast augmentation is one of the most transformative plastic surgery procedures available. Many women are frustrated by the size or shape of their breasts, but breast augmentation surgery uses implants to improve the size, volume, and symmetry of the breasts. However, like any invasive plastic surgery procedure, breast augmentation requires downtime. This means that you need to undergo the recovery period before you can enjoy your breast augmentation results. And with summer almost here, that means that now is the best time to schedule your consultation at Synergy Face + Body. But what do you need to prepare for with your breast augmentation recovery? Below, you’ll find some information to help you understand what to expect.

How Is Breast Augmentation Performed?
Breast augmentation surgery generally takes one to one and a half hours and can be performed under either local or general anesthesia so that you won’t feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. After the anesthesia has been administered, your plastic surgeon will make an incision and then put the implants in place. At your consultation, your plastic surgeon will help you select the implant material (either saline or silicone) as well as the right implant size that will best complement and balance your body. Additionally, during your consultation, your plastic surgeon will decide which incision location is right for you. After your incisions are closed, you will be ready to recover.
How Long Does Breast Augmentation Recovery Take?
While breast augmentation recovery time varies with each procedure, most patients will need to rest for seven to 10 days. Depending on the type of job you have, you may be able to return to work after one to two weeks. After six weeks, you should be able to engage in your daily activities. You should be fully healed and your final results apparent after about six months. Because of this timeline, it is important that you schedule your consultation appointment soon. That way, you’ll be able to show off your larger, fuller, more voluminous breasts this summer, whether in a bikini top or in that shirt you’ve always wanted to wear but never had the figure for.
What Is the Recovery Process Like?
After your breast augmentation, you will experience bruising and swelling on your breasts. These side effects will dissipate within one or two weeks. Additionally, you will likely feel some tightness and discomfort in your chest. Any pain can be remedied with prescription or over-the-counter medication; however, if pain persists or increases, please contact Dr. Hughes immediately
How Can I Help My Body Recover From Breast Augmentation?
It is important to let your body rest over this time. When you think about it, plastic surgery is nothing more than causing intentional injury to your body, which means that it’s vital to allow your body to heal. During your recovery period, you will need to wear your prescribed compression garment and surgical bra to help support your breasts and speed up your recovery. You will need to sleep on your back, in a slightly elevated position. Additionally, during your recovery (and after), it is important that you maintain a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. While you should refrain from any strenuous activities (including exercise and lifting anything of weight), going on short, slow walks can help speed up your recovery.
Do You Have Questions?
If you have any questions or want more information about breast augmentation at Synergy Face + Body, please feel free to call us. If you are Inside the Beltline, call 919-335-6372. If you are in Raleigh, call 919-510-5130. You can also contact us online by filling out our online contact form.