Acne is a very common skin issue that can affect people of all ages. Not only does acne look unsightly but it can also be very uncomfortable, especially in more severe cases. There are many acne treatments available on the market but in truth only a handful are known to be truly effective and even then there are often side effects.
Luckily there is a way to tackle acne now that’s effective and doesn’t come with any severe side effects. This type of treatment is known as Sciton BBL laser treatment.
What is Sciton BBL?
Sciton BBL is a laser treatment that’s shown to be effective at treating the damaging effects of sunlight on the face and body. Any area of the body can be treated with BBL (Broad Band Light) but the most popular areas for treatment are the face, hands, neck, chest and shoulders. This is because these areas are most often the ones damaged by sun exposure.
BBL for acne therapy
BBL has been shown to be a very effective alternative treatment for acne that targets both the skin surface and below the skin. Along with using a home skincare program, using BBL to treat acne can be very effective, especially when other forms of treatment haven’t worked.
Is BBL only for acne?
No. BBL is also used to treat sun damage and also to give the skin a natural and healthy glow. Many patients seek out BBL therapy in order to treat minor skin imperfections and also to tighten any sagging skin that has occurred as a result of aging.
Is BBL treatment painful?
BBL treatment is generally not considered to be painful. During the treatment, patients will wear eye protection and a topical anaesthetic can be used if any discomfort is experienced in sensitive areas of the face.
Can BBL be used to treat acne scars?
Yes. Depending on the type of acne scars you have, there is a very good chance of significantly reducing them if not getting rid of them altogether. The person administering the treatment will decide on the best approach for getting rid of the scars you have.
How long will results last?
Results should be long-lasting providing you continue to take any steps you can to prevent your acne from reappearing.
If you’d like to book a BBL treatment session for acne then simply get in touch and we’ll be able to answer any of your questions and book you in.