BBL (BroadBand Light)
Laser Therapy

Sciton BroadBand Light Laser Therapy in Raleigh North Carolina

Subtle and Effective Rejuvenation

Whether you’re looking to remove sun damage, rejuvenate your skin for a clearer and more youthful look, treat acne, or tighten saggy skin due to aging, Sciton BBL (BroadBand Light) laser therapy may be the right treatment for you.

Schedule Your Appointment

Schedule your BBL appointment, request a VISIA skin analysis, or complete an online virtual consultation to see how we can help you achieve your goals.

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About BBL

BBL Treats:

• Sun Damage
• Hyperpigmentation
• Acne
• Sagging Skin
• Complexion
• Age Spots


• Between 15-45 minutes, depending on area treated


• Up to a few days, depending on treatment


• Consultation required prior to scheduling treatment
• Patients with a tan (real or spray tan) are not candidates for treatment
• Specific questions and concerns will be addressed during consultation


How BBL Works

BBL is BroadBand Light therapy, a treatment that delivers specific types of light energy to the upper layers of skin. Areas of the skin are targeted with heat designed to promote  collagen production safely and effectively. BBL is able to treat multiple concerns in one session.


What BBL Can Treat:

Almost any area of the body can be treated, depending on the needs and concerns.  The most common areas BBL can treat are:

• Face     • Neck     •Shoulders

• Chest     • Hands

Which BBL Treatment Is Right?

Because of the flexibility of BBL technology, it may be hard to know which treatment is right for you.  Based on your concerns, see below for the four main BBL treatments Synergy offers:

Sagging Skin, Mild Wrinkles, Age Spots

BBL Maintenance is the only device that has been shown to change the gene expression associated with aging, longevity, and increased lifespan. This treatment functionally rejuvenates skin and delays the skin aging process creating clearer, smoother, and much younger looking skin. BBL Maintenance is a combination treatment system which includes added components that target wrinkling and skin laxity. This is a great treatment to maintain a baseline achieved with more aggressive laser treatments.

Sun Damage, Hyperpigmentation, Age Spots

BBL Corrective is an innovative technology that sets new standards for skin conditions associated with aging, active life-styles, and sun damage. Your treatment will be tailored to match your skin type and your desired results. Any area of your body can be treated. The most common areas are those most exposed to the damaging effects of sunlight.This treatment also incorporates  infrared thermal energy to deeply heat collagen in the dermis. The heat also initiates the body’s natural healing or repair process, which creates a renewed collagen foundation leading to increased skin firmness. Powerful cooling maintains the outer surface of your skin at a cool temperature before, during, and after each pulse providing the patient with a comfortable and safe procedure.

Acne, Complexion

BBL Acne has now proven to be helpful in the treatment of acne. In many cases, this offers an alternative to oral medications such as Accutane or long-term antibiotics. The shorter wavelengths of BBL, in the blue-light spectrum, attack p-acne bacteria on the surface and in the sebaceous gland. Along with a home skincare program designed for acne-prone skin, you can experience significant long-term clearance.

Pigmented Skin on the Body

BBL HERO for Body. As our skin ages, the sun damage from years ago starts to emerge in the form of reds and brown spots . There is also a decreased production of collagen and elastin. With the new BBL HERO for Body technology by Sciton, treatments over large areas of the body can be completed faster and more comfortably than ever before.

Watch a BBL Treatment


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Before + After Photos

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FAQs About BBL Treatments

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MOXI + BBL are two advanced skin treatments by Sciton that pair perfectly for dramatic results with little to no downtime. Moxi is designed to deliver dramatic tonal and textural improvements to your face with little to no downtime, as it features a gentle non-ablative laser that corrects pigmentation issues. Together, these two treatments pack a synergistic punch of skin renewal for skin renewal and radiance with ease.

Learn About Moxi


To ensure you’re as comfortable as possible during your BBL treatment, you’ll be given a topical numbing agent as well as have access to our PRO-NOX device to self-administer as needed. PRO-NOX is an inhalable pain reduction gas that dentists’ offices have been using for years; it combines nitrous oxide and oxygen for subtle and almost-instantaneous pain relief. During your treatment, you’ll simply inhale through the mouthpiece to reach your desired comfort level. The best part is that within 10 minutes, all analgesic will be out of your system and you’ll be able to safely drive yourself home.

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Please Note:

There will be a $100 consultation fee that may be applied to any medical aesthetic treatments on same day or in future.

More Information

Meet Our

Bridget Newman Laser Technician + Medical Aesthetician

Bridget Newman

Cheryl Dekrines Medical Aesthetician

Cheryl Dekrines

Emily Temple Medical Aesthetician

Emily Temple

MEDICAl aesthetician
Dawn Marie
Dawn Marie Maccarini
Stephanie Rodriguez Medical Aesthetician

Stephanie Rodriguez

MEDICAL aesthetician

Additional Treatments
to Consider

Skin Resurfacing


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